Docker Kubernetes sample interview questions


5 min read

  1. liveness and readiness probes, startup probes

Liveness probe checks the container health as we tell it do, and if for some reason the liveness probe fails, it restarts the container. it basically checks application is up or not

  1.   apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
          test: liveness
        name: liveness-exec
        - name: liveness
          - /bin/sh
          - -c
          - touch /tmp/healthy; sleep 30; rm -rf /tmp/healthy; sleep 600
              - cat
              - /tmp/healthy
            initialDelaySeconds: 3
            periodSeconds: 5

    Readiness probe checks if application is ready to accept traffic or not

    In some cases we would like our application to be alive, but not serve traffic unless some conditions are met e.g, populating a dataset, waiting for some other service to be alive etc. In such cases we use readiness probe. If the condition inside readiness probe passes, only then our application can serve traffic.

  2. crash loop backoff:-

image not present in the location u mentioned

exponential back-off limit

restart policy: always

restart policy: never (crash loop backoff never) deployment container can take care of replicas of pods, so restart policy we can tag as never

  1. multi container

    init containers :- if init containers failed , deployment stopped

    sidecar containers

  2. we have used prometheus and grafana with alertmanager and nodeexporter plugins

prometheus only fetch metrics like , but i need to scrape the https endpoint for which output is json format which prometheus does not understand

The blackbox exporter allows blackbox probing of endpoints over HTTP, HTTPS, DNS, TCP and ICMP.

for https based applications , there will be an endpoints like /metrics or /health which can be monitored, if those endpoints are also secure, we need to use bearer tokens or jw2 tokens every request inorder to scrape the data

json exporter takes json as input and send out data understandable by prometheus and can be fetched by promql

  1. operators vs helm

    they use crd and leverage Kubernetes API resource capabilities to write own custom scripts

    its also kind of package manager like helm consisting of all kubernetes manifests files like depl , svc , pv, PVC , cm , secrets, svc, etc

    using operators , managing is little easier compare to helm but i feel we should be able to understand operator framework

    currently we are using helm in our project

  2. Prometheus is an open-source tool for collecting metrics and sending alerts. It was developed by SoundCloud. It has the following primary components: The core Prometheus app – This is responsible for scraping and storing metrics in an internal time series database.

    Prometheus expects metrics to be available on targets on a path of /metrics . So this default job is scraping via the URL: localhost:9090/metrics.

  3. prometehus accepts only 4 types of metrics

    • Counters.

    • Gauges.

    • Histograms.

    • Summaries.

  4. default deployment strategy used by Kubernetes is

    rolling update, others are canary, blue-green

  5. less downtime, less cost effective :- canary. u choose which user accesses the latest and which user access newer deployment

    rolling update, newer version pods come up in increased way,old instances will be deleted, u r replacing older instances with newer instances of pods, every user gets effected

  6. resource quotas constrain ur resource to namespaces like for example if u r deploying all prod , dev , stage in a single cluster , limit ur resources to dev , stage and allocate all remaining resources to prod env

cpu 10 cores , mem 20 gb

can we restrict wrt single pod ?any resource in that ns can utilize as much as possible from that ns , if we put limit range for pod, we can restrict each pod usage

  1. helm 3 version

    helm create

    helm install

    somebody changes the manifests directly and apply directly using kubectl commands, will it consider when u upgrade ? YES, it will consider the live state of cluster . helm uses 3 way strategy merge patch , older manifests files , newer manifests files and live state of the cluster also. so correct patch is generated based on considering these 3

  2. docker ARG for pulling docker base image

    To use an ARG in your Dockerfile's FROM:

    ARG MYAPP_IMAGE=myorg/myapp:latest FROM $MYAPP_IMAGE ...

Then if you want to use a different image/tag, you can provide it at runtime:

docker build -t container_tag --build-arg MYAPP_IMAGE=localimage:latest

  1. kubernetes 1.22

  2. port forwarding in Kubernetes

    we can use it for testing an pod by forwarding particular port onto host machine

  3.   kubectl port-forward svc/{{your service name}} 7000:80
     kubectl port-forward TYPE/NAME [options] LOCAL_PORT:REMOTE_PORT
  4. use of labels and annotations in Kubernetes

  5. why do we need container orchestration

    scaling ur replicas , monitoring, bringing up ur failed pods

  6. why Kubernetes over Docker swarm

    DS is a basic form of container orchestration tool, it lacs in a few things like RBAC, exposing containers in svc , no in-built dashboard to view the complete view of cluster,

  7. K8s architecture

    master node , worker nodes who run container workloads

    master components :-api server , kubescheduler , controllers like deployment controller , doamen set controller etc , etcd database

  8. api server acts as front end to complete clusterwe can communicate with cluster via api server only using kubectl utility

  1. what if master node goes down

  2. how to see resources in cluster

    we have kubeconfig for every kind of cluster , its config file where we have kubernetes context , users details


    set context and connect to that particular cluster

  3. list of objects u have worked in kubernetes

    kubectl api-resources

  4. stateful sets

    naming : deployname-hashval (hashval chnages if pod restarts)

    databases pods should have standard naming conventions , if restarts , it should come up with same name

    scaling in : last instances will be deleted and not random one like dpeloyments

  5. kubectl explain pod.spec -documentation of attaributes of api objects

  6. headless svc - writing , cluster ip svc - reading