Integration of Jenkins, eks and code commit
Deploying application to eks using just jenkins(not octopus).
-> Install kubernetes continuos deploy plugin in jenkins.
-> Add kubeconfig details to jenkins.
Manage Jenkins >> manage credentials >> global >> add credentials
Select Kind as Kubeconfig.
-> By default, clusterrolebinding has system:anonymous set which blocks the cluster access. Execute the following command to set a clusterrole as cluster-admin which will give you the required access.
cmd -- kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-system-anonymous --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=system:anonymous
-> Push all your config files to aws code commit repo.
-> Now can either create free style project or pipeline project.
-->> Create a free style project.
-- Give your repo details.
-- Select your kubeconfig id which was created previously in global credentials.
Give names of all your config files separated by comma under config files section.
-- Build your project. All your specified yaml files will be deployed in your eks cluster.
-->> Create a pipeline project.
-- Create a pipeline script with all your details(Code commit repo url, config file names, etc)
-- Build your project. Your Application will be deployed to the eks cluster.
Pipeline Script :
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ("checkout from GIT") {
steps {
git branch: 'main', credentialsId: '<<credID>>', url: 'https://git-codecommit.<<aws-region>><<reponame>\>'
stage ("Deploy Application") {
steps {
kubernetesDeploy configs: '2048-deployment.yaml,2048-service.yaml,2048-ingress.yaml', kubeConfig: [path: ''], kubeconfigId: '<<kubeconfigID>>', secretName: '', ssh: [sshCredentialsId: '*', sshServer: ''], textCredentials: [certificateAuthorityData: '', clientCertificateData: '', clientKeyData: '', serverUrl: 'https://']